Streamline and automate your purchasing processes while enforcing pricing terms to ensure a steady flow of materials
- Boost purchasing efficiency and productivity
- Minimize material shortages
- Improve supplier performance
- Mitigate supply risks
Key Challenges
Cost-cutting pressure - Your team is under pressure to cut costs, eliminate non-value-added activities and focus on continuous purchasing process improvements
Ineffective collaboration - A lack of coordination and communication with internal stakeholders and suppliers results in increased risk and business disruption for your organization
Complex and manual processes - Relying on manual communication methods increases purchasing cycle times, burdens your buyers and increases the likelihood of NPI delays
- Automation
- Collaboration
- Exception management
- Performance measurement
Assign different PO and requisition approval levels based on the appropriate authorization level
Support different types of orders and contracts including supplier price lists, blanket orders, discrete purchase orders and supplier scheduled orders
Provide reliable requirements to suppliers allowing them to order raw materials, plan production and improve on-time deliveries
Accurately track orders
Schedule supplier milk runs to reduce freight costs and improve transportation efficiency
Track purchasing spend by commodity, product, product group, supplier and other factors
Access procurement analytics to gain key insights and enhance decision making
Streamline invoice processing to reduce workload, minimize errors and speed supplier payment
Battery Manufacturer Streamlines Workload, Reduces Costs and Gains Efficiencies
QAD improves the purchasing process and provides anywhere, anytime approvals for POs and requisitions.
SMR Tracks and Measures the Purchasing Process
When it comes to purchasing management, performance monitoring is critical to operational success.
Further Information
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