Your organization needs to standardize shipping across the enterprise while also tracking and controlling all your transportation activities.
- Reduce transportation costs
- Improve on-time delivery performance
- Increase shipment visibility
Turn Transportation into a Competitive Advantage
Whether you ship goods domestically or globally, to businesses or to consumers, a well-planned transportation strategy is a competitive advantage. QAD’s suite of transportation solutions provides you the ability to plan and execute shipments across all modes of transportation, seamlessly switch between carriers, track all deliveries from a single portal, proactively manage delivery exceptions, standardize production and non-production shipping across all locations, verify freight costs and get real-time insight into transportation operations. By providing industry-leading transportation execution and global trade compliance solutions from a single, integrated platform, QAD helps your company streamline import, export and transportation operations.
- Transportation Execution
- Multi Carrier Shipping
- Desktop Shipping
- Delivery Exception Management
- Freight Bill Audit and Pay
- Transportation Analytics
TVH Parts Gains Efficiencies, Decreases Operation Costs with QAD GTTE
The multinational parts specialist reduced the time needed to produce carrier compliant labels with QAD GTTE.
Future Electronics Fulfills Its Mission of Delighting the Customer
Future Electronics leverages Transportation Execution to free up IT resources and drive productivity.
Further Information
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