Export Management
Your company needs to accurately generate export shipment documents, fulfill license requirements and manage compliance requirements to:
- Reduce filing errors
- Simplify documentation creation and management
- Enhance product classification accuracy
- Prevent shipment delays
Key Challenges
Changing regulations - Compliance issues slow down customs clearance and final delivery of your shipments
Numerous watch lists - Inaccurate or overlooked denied party list validation increases business risk for your organization
Manual filing - If you don’t take advantage of electronic self-filing options, your organization is not operating as efficient as needed
- Export compliance
- License determination
- Supplier screening
- Automate document production
Export Management automates documentation production and customs reporting, helping companies adhere to regulatory requirements and reduce the hidden costs associated with global trade. It ensures that all required export documents to complete a shipment are prepared correctly and presented to the right people at the right time and in the right format. Audit trails and complete management reporting promote compliant and efficient export trade processes, reducing the risks and costs associated with exporting goods.
Generates documents based on templates, such as commercial invoices (CI), shipper's letters of instruction (SLI), packing lists (PL), and bills of lading (BOL) to meet regulatory requirements
Supports electronic customs reporting with integration to various customs authorities for electronic export declarations
Verifies that trading partners have passed Denied Party List screening, determines the end use of the item and validates the country of destination
Identifies line item license requirements, any available exceptions for licenses and has the ability to stop a shipment of a controlled product
Allows multiple export commodity codes to be assigned to items based on country
Manages letters of credit details to ensure payment
Provides export transaction visibility, including shipment data, tracking, screening, historical and current records
Elizabeth Arden Ensures Export Regulatory Compliance
This global beauty products company automated export documentation and reduced errors to achieve greater efficiency.
Further Information
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