QAD Cloud
Adaptive enterprises know that they need to host critical systems in the cloud to:
- Ensure agility for your team to take advantage of the latest advancements
- Enable scalability to have technology drive business growth
- Maintain security in a data-driven world that bad actors seek to exploit
- Support sustainability and carbon footprint reduction
Key Challenges
Cybersecurity - As reliance on data and software grows so do the prevalence of malware, ransomware and spyware
Disaster Recovery - The unpredictability of natural disasters, geopolitical instability, and industrial accidents put systems at constant risk
Skilled Workforce - Hybrid and remote work options make it challenging to retain highly technical roles
Aging Hardware - Demands of the business never slow down, but it’s too costly to frequently upgrade servers
- Secure
- Certified
- High Availability
- Support
QAD Cloud
Many enterprises have moved critical systems to the cloud, and more will continue to in the near future. The cloud helps companies adapt more quickly to their changing business environment. It speeds up the return on investment of mergers and acquisitions, restructuring and adding locations. Moving to the cloud also frees up IT staff time for strategic projects.
What kind of cloud services should you look for? Global enterprises require around-the-clock, around-the-world and multi-language support from cloud providers. Clouds used for important applications like ERP and supply chain solutions also must satisfy management expectations for security, availability, scalability, business continuity and certifications. Companies that choose to move to the cloud want to do so quickly and successfully to minimize business interruption and more quickly realize the benefits.
QAD Cloud offers a single point of contact and control for implementation, migration and maintenance services. It includes global support around the clock and complete management of applications, platform and infrastructure. QAD delivers fast and reliable implementations with Effective On Boarding. Customers who have trusted QAD software for years are also eligible for rapid upgrades to the Cloud through the ELEVATE program.
Expect scalable and flexible configurations to support expansion and peaks. Administrative training is easy to learn and use. The result is a dependable, secure, compliant cloud solution for ERP, supply chain and related solutions. QAD Cloud includes enterprise-class SLAs with full customer visibility. In addition to the capabilities listed above, QAD Cloud services include:
QAD Cloud fournit un point unique de contact et de contrôle pour la mise en œuvre, la migration et les services de maintenance. Il permet de bénéficier d’un support international 24H/24 et d’une gestion complète des applications, de la plateforme et de l’infrastructure. QAD Effective On Boarding assure des implémentations rapides et fiables. Les clients qui nous font confiance depuis plusieurs années peuvent également bénéficier de mises à niveau rapides vers le cloud par le biais du programme QAD ELEVATE.
De plus, la souplesse et l’évolutivité de la configuration permettent de s’adapter aux besoins des industriels en prenant en charge des extensions vers d’autres solutions et en soutenant les pics d’activité de l’entreprise. La formation aux fonctionnalités d’administration facilite l’onboarding et l’utilisation de la solution. Le résultat ? Une solution cloud fiable, sécurisée et compatible pour les solutions ERP, de supply chain et autres. Avec QAD Cloud, nos clients bénéficient de SLA professionnels qui garantissent une visibilité complète sur les engagements passés. QAD Cloud intègre les fonctionnalités suivantes, en plus de celles déjà citées :
- Continuité de l’activité : QAD Cloud configure et teste un environnement de reprise après sinistre entièrement répliqué, réduisant le risque d’interruption de l’activité à la suite d’une panne système.
- Gestion des systèmes : inclut l’optimisation proactive des performances, la gestion du changement à la suite des mises à niveau et correctifs, la supervision et le réglage continus, ainsi que d’autres tâches d’administration de base de données, SDLC, rétention/destruction des données, journalisation, analyse, alertes en temps réel, corrélation des événements et recherche de la cause première.
- Gestion des engagements (SLA) : au sein de l’équipe QAD Cloud Service Delivery, des responsables des engagements sont assignés à chaque client. Ils sont chargés d’assurer le respect des SLA et des processus, de répondre aux préoccupations des clients, et de faciliter les communications et les résolutions. Ils aident aussi les clients à définir et planifier leur stratégie cloud globale.
- Gestion du réseau : supervision des composants du réseau. Le réseau est conçu en fonction des exigences du client.
- Services facultatifs : QAD Extended Support Services, services réseau gérés, QAD Cloud EDI et services d’infrastructure cloud d’applications tierces.
Systems Management: Includes proactive performance optimization, change management for upgrades and patches, ongoing monitoring and tuning and other database administration tasks, SDLC, data retention/destruction, logging, analysis, real-time alerts, event correlation and root cause analysis
Engagement Management: The QAD Cloud service delivery team includes a dedicated engagement manager for each customer to ensure adherence to SLAs and processes, address customer concerns, facilitate communications and resolutions. Engagement managers also work with customers on future plans and overall cloud strategy.
Network Management: Monitoring of network components. Network design is matched to customer-specific requirements.
The QAD Cloud was this automotive manufacturer’s business lifeline when a tornado tore through one of their facilities
“Because we have access to the QAD Cloud, it changed everything. It was literally a game changer”
The QAD Cloud was a natural decision for this natural health company
“Moving to the cloud has been very successful for Comvita. It’s giving us the scalability to grow and expand our business without having to deploy resources on expanding an on-premise solution. Those resources are better used executing our strategic growth”
Scaling to meet stricter vehicle emissions standards in the QAD Cloud
“If we used on-premise ERP we would need to double, triple, even quadruple our ERP team to support our 24/7 operations, plus invest in hardware. Thanks to QAD Cloud ERP, we don’t even have to think about that.”
10 weeks, fully remote, fully operational
QAD enabled this packaging manufacturer to implement ERP in the Cloud through the middle of COVID-19 travel restrictions.
Further Information
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