Desktop Shipping
Extend and control parcel shipping execution across your enterprise to:
- Reduce parcel shipping costs
- Avoid costly premium services
- Eliminate maverick parcel shipping activities
- Mitigate compliance risks
Key Challenges
Minimal leverage - Carriers serving a mail room or local office do not provide the same rates when compared to a company’s much larger production volumes
Maverick parcel shipments - Allowing out of contract parcel shipping results in higher shipping costs for your company
Manual efforts - Relying on the labor intensive waybill creation and other documentation delays shipments and impacts organizational efficiency
- Parcel management
- Exception management
- Restricted party screening
- Export management
Desktop Shipping
Most organizations have some need to ship non-production goods out the door, but have a disconnect from their production shipping policies and documentation requirements when it comes to managing this area.
The user interface provides a simple yet effective way to provide self service shipping throughout the office while deploying the same production shipping rules used for domestic or international shipments. This helps to ensure the use of preferred carriers and services and that negotiated rates are used no matter what type of goods are being shipped.
Content Subscription
QAD maintains in-house content management specialists to keep parcel carrier routing information and rates up to date. Published or company negotiated carrier rates, carrier transit times and routing information are provided and maintained for all of our accredited carriers.
Further Information
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